
Intel funds EcoCloud Midgard-based research

An exciting new development in the progress of Midgard, a novel re-envisioning of the virtual memory abstraction ubiquitous to computer systems, sees a tech leader funding research that will bring together experts from Yale, the University of Edinburgh and EcoCloud at EPFL. Global semiconductor manufacturer Intel is sponsoring an EcoCloud-led […]

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Compusapien: More computing, less energy

Today’s data centres have an efficiency problem – much of their energy is used not to process data, but to keep the servers cool. A new server architecture under development by the EU-funded COMPUSAPIEN project could solve this. As the digital revolution continues to accelerate, so too does our demand […]

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EcoCloud organizes Cloud Sustainability Days 2021

The Cloud Sustainability Days, organised by the EPFL EcoCloud Center, are beginning. LINK TO LIVE COVERAGE PROGRAM Please use the basement entrance: This conference is organised by the EPFL EcoCloud Center for sustainable cloud technologies, with the participation of the Swiss Datacenter Efficiency Association, the EPFL FUSTIC association, members of […]

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A paradigm shift in virtual memory use: Midgard

Researchers at Ecocloud, the EPFL Center for Sustainable Cloud Computing, have pioneered an innovative approach to implementing virtual memory in data centers, which will greatly increase server efficiency. Virtual Memory has always been a pillar for memory isolation, protection and security in digital platforms. The use of virtual memory is […]

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ColTraIn Releases Open-source HBFP Training Emulator

DNN training and inference have similar basic operators but with fundamentally different requirements. The former is throughput bound and relies on high precision floating-point arithmetic for convergence while the latter is latency-bound and tolerant to low-precision arithmetic. Both workloads require high computational capabilities and can benefit from hardware accelerators. The disparity in resource requirements forces datacenter operators to choose between custom accelerators for training and inference or training accelerators for inference.

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Can Influencers Sway Public Opinion?

Contrary to expectations, the experiment revealed that the respondents held on to their views firmly, regardless of the celebrity inputs or their esteem in the eyes of the respondents. It was also clear that respondents liked to hear an opinion identical to their own even if it came from a disliked celebrity. Conversely, a dissenting opinion by a celebrity or expert reduced the respondent’s empathy for that person.

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