
EcoCloud Annual Event 2023

Save the date! The EcoCloud Annual Event on IT Sustainability returns to Lausanne Palace: 8:30am to 6:00pm, Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 In-Person agenda with networking, focusing on 4 new multi-center projects for 2023:​

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CloudSuite 4.0 is released

We are happy to announce the release of CloudSuite 4.0! CloudSuite is a collection of benchmarks for first-party cloud services. The suite consists of popular online services and analytics workloads running in datacenters. The benchmarks are based on state-of-the-art open-source real-world software stacks and are containerized for ease of use. […]

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Sustainable technology for SKACH

EcoCloud is getting ready for exorbitant amounts of data The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is a radio-astronomy project that will consist of two radio telescope arrays in Australia and South Africa, on which construction began December 5, 2022. The data that come from these telescopes will revolutionize our understanding […]

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UrbanTwin – Seeing double for sustainability

Twins are a fascinating phenomenon: observing how identical twins, even those separated at birth, can resemble each other in appearance, character, ability, and personal taste is astounding. It demonstrates the power of DNA, the smallest of building blocks, in creating surprisingly predictable results. Now, UrbanTwin, a collaboration of Swiss research […]

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Containergy – a new performance evaluation and profiling tool

The Embedded Systems Lab of EPFL has developed a new performance evaluation and profiling tool that uses software containers to perform application runtime assessment, providing energy and performance profiling data. It is focused on energy efficiency for next generation workloads and IT infrastructure. Read more here.

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Gabriele Manoli joins EcoCloud

Gabriele Manoli studies water supplies, energy exchange and the carbon cycle in urban and suburban systems. His interdisciplinary approach unites environmental technology, infrastructure and urban planning. He is currently investigating the worldwide trend towards urban densification and the effects of altering the urban climate (e.g. through greening measures). In collaboration […]

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The coolest microchips around: designer swimwear by POWERLab

Having come through a heatwave it is easy to forget that humans are not the only ones that need to shelter from oppressive heat. Animals suffer too, and huge mechanical infrastructures like railways, even major runways. But what about computers? From the beginning, data centers have faced problems with cooling. […]

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Researcher adds Microsoft Fellowship to Google Scholarship

EcoCloud partner Microsoft Research have announced the laureates of their PhD Fellowships, including Simla Harma for her work on Cloud Infrastructure. Having won a Google Scolarship in 2021, Simla can lay claim to a unique achievement, in being funded by two of IT’s largest and most influential corporations. Simla is […]

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