Flagship research projects​

The SwissChips is multi-institutional initiative, which is setting out to defend Switzerland's position as a world leader in the vital technology of chip manufacture...

UrbanTwin aims to develop and validate a holistic tool to support decision-makers in achieving environmental goals, such as the Energy Strategy 2050 and the vision of climate-adaptive "sponge cities". The tool will be based on a detailed model of critical urban infrastructure...

Heating Bits projects aims at developing innovative solutions addressing all these aspects. Specifically, the project focuses on improving DCs’ energy efficiency...

Experimental Data Center Facility

There are currently eight racks with passive rear door liquid/air exchangers. A large experimental area is dedicated to projects that target energy monitoring and different approaches to liquid cooling, with the possibility of two experimental liquid loops...

Collaborative Projects

The CHIMP project puts together the complementary expertise of research labs ranging from HW (technology and architecture) to software (system-level, operating system and applications) to devise a multi-objective full-stack simulation framework...

The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is a radio-astronomy project that will consist of two radio telescope arrays in Australia and South Africa. Processing the data that from these telescopes will be a massive challenge...

We aim to develop a prototyping environment that allows algorithm developers to assess the implications of their high-level decisions, without overwhelming them with the low-level platform details. The X-HEEP project is a fully open-source RISC-V microcontroller...

Midgard is an intermediate address space between the virtual and the physical address spaces, to mitigate address translation overheads without program-level changes...

Projects by EcoCloud affiliated labs

The labs at EcoCloud are constantly collaborating on exciting research projects

Projects archive