Microchannel Network Inspired by the Human Circularity System
While scientists have successfully reduced the size and costs of electronic components, a major challenge faced by such tiny devices is the absence of an optimum thermal and energy management technology. To bridge that gap, Elison Matioli and his colleagues at EPFL’s Power and Wide-band-gap Electronics Research Laboratory (POWERlab) have developed a novel microchannel network that not only cools electronic components but also makes them energy efficient.
Facebook-EPFL Joint ML Research Engagement
Facebook and EPFL have initiated a collaborative program that aims to carry out seminal research with common meeting points for both organizations. Facebook seeks to leverage EPFL’s proven expertise in Computer Science and Engineering to enable the flow of technology from one of the most renowned research institutions to the leading American social media conglomerate. The collaboration will also help the latter strengthen its position in Switzerland and gain access to some of the best academic minds in Europe.
Datashare Network: A Decentralized Search Engine for Journalists
EPFL researchers at the Security and Privacy Engineering (SPRING) Lab, School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC), have developed a ‘Datashare Network’ that allows investigative journalists to exchange information securely and anonymously. A detailed paper on the subject will be presented by the scientists at the 29th Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX Security ’20), which will be held online from August 12 to 14. The event, which brings together specialists in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks, will undoubtedly draw worldwide attention to the EPFL research.