On 7 October 2024, this one-day conference will offer a unique opportunity to explore Federal funding programmes and meet their representatives.

Federal Offices represent a major source of research funding in Switzerland, in particular at EPFL. They also drive research in specific directions, through topical calls. On October 7, representatives of 14 Federal Offices will gather on the EPFL campus to share their visions for the future of research funding in Switzerland at the Swiss Federal Offices Day 2024.

"Having so many representatives of various Federal Offices at a public conference is unique, and is bound to spark engaging discussions with researchers". Mariachiara Verde, Head of the National Funding team at the EPFL Research Office, and organizer of the event, is looking forward to a new feature: "This time, we offer a matchmaking service, where researchers and Federal representatives are paired for a one-to-one discussion, based on scientific interests". Such interactions should help identify common research interests and potential funding opportunities, especially for professors interested in diversifying their resources.

The program also features a keynote presentation by Nicole Schaad, from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), offering a broad perspective on research in Switzerland, complementary to more specific testimonials by EPFL researchers of their experience with Federal Offices. Finally, early-career researchers also have a chance to showcase the relevance of their Federal Office-funded projects through posters and stands.

While the conference will take place on the EPFL Lausanne campus, the entire Swiss research community is invited. The organizers hope to gather major stakeholders of the research and funding process, such as professors, researchers and funding strategists, but also research managers and administrators. "A key aspect to the realization of impactful research projects is the alignment between bright ideas of ambitious researchers and the vision of funding agencies. A great way to enable this alignment is to meet and talk face-to-face, and this is what the Swiss Federal Offices Day is about!", says Jeroen van Hunen, head of the Research Office.

The conference is still months away, yet anticipation runs high. "We've received many registrations already", reveals Mariachiara Verde. The organizers expect a strong turnout on October 7, with participants and speakers eager to engage in fruitful interactions and collaborations.



Program and further information


Author: Arnaud Lalive

Source: Research Office