Person holding a smartphone

EPFL, ETH Zurich Lead Contact Tracing Technology to Tackle COVID-19

By John / 11 May 2020

Researchers from EPFL and ETH Zurich have developed a digital contact tracing technology by working closely with a large number of European colleagues. They are now very close to releasing a solution called DP-3T (Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing).

EPFL Software Helps Cryptographic Innovation for Swiss Hospitals

EPFL Software Helps Cryptographic Innovation for Swiss Hospitals

By John / 5 May 2020

In a major breakthrough last year, EPFL and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) collaborated to develop a secure software called the MedCo system. The system took shape in the Laboratory for Data Security (LDS), headed by Professor Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and is based on software libraries developed by the Decentralized and Distributed Systems (DEDIS) Lab, headed by Professor Bryan Ford.

Digital Humanities in Pandemic Times: A Data Scientist’s Approach

Digital Humanities in Pandemic Times: A Data Scientist’s Approach

By John / 27 April 2020

To steer clear of false or misinterpreted information during the pandemic, Robert West advises a three-pronged strategy: check the sources of data interpretations and of the data itself; check whether graphs representing coronavirus data are linear or logarithmic; and retain the correct perspective by staying updated about data on the virus.