Latest Past Events

Can we automate integrated circuit design?

BC420 - Computing Building of EPFL EPFL, Ecublens

Jason Cong, Director of the Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) of UCLA, has been invited to EPFL by the IC Faculty. As we are near the end of Moore’s Law scaling, there is a great need to design various kinds of customized accelerators for much higher performance and energy efficiency. […]

Engineering Industry Day 2023

SwissTech Convention Center Rue Louis Favre 2, Ecublens

David Atienza, Scientific Director of EcoCloud   Cooling microchips with tailor-made microfluidic channels Remco van Erp, Director of Corintis Read the presentation Read more about Corintis Machine Learning to identify Nespresso capsules, with Matteo Feo Matteo Feo of Nespresso and EPFL, pictured with Holger Frauenrath and David Atienza Read the […]

IT for Sustainability and Sustainable IT: are both possible?

EPFL Rolex Learning Center EPFL, Ecublens

Can IT be a true enabler for a sustainable society, particularly in cities and for urban infrastructure? What are digital twins and are they the answer? How can we use minimal energy for increasing data needs and should sustainable certification play a role?  Speakers: Prof. Babak Falsafi (IC-PARSA) CEO […]