Energy-constrained trustworthy and computing systems

I am a member of the Optics for the Cloud at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, and a visiting staff at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton, UK. My current research focuses on the development of new optical technologies in the rapidly growing field of networking and computing for the cloud.
I am Topical Editor for Optics Letters, OSA, since January 2019 and I am/have been Technical Programme Committee member for various prestigious optical communications technology conferences.
Before joining Microsoft in July 2018, I was Principal Research Fellow at the ORC, which I had joined to carry out my PhD. At the ORC, I worked on all-optical sub-systems solutions, primarily based on a variety of nonlinear processes for optical communication, such as phase sensitive amplification and optical phase conjugation. I also worked on optical data transmission over engineered multi-mode optical fibres for short reach applications as well as investigated a variety of nonlinear processes in multi mode fibres and waveguides. In 2010 I won a five year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship to advance my work in the area of nonlinear processes for advanced modulation formats. During my time at the ORC, I have been visiting several university labs for short-term projects, for example, at the technical University of Denmark Fotonik (Prof. P. Jeppesen) in 2007 and at the university of Karlsruhe (Prof. J. Leuthold) in 2008-2009.
I obtained my M.Sc. from the Politecnico di Milano (Italy).
I was author/co-author of more than 200 publications in the highest prestigious optical communications technology journals and conferences and of 5 chapters in various different published books (e. g. Elsevier and Wiley). I have been working in several research projects such as EU PHASORS, EU TRIUMPH, EU FP7 ICT-BONE and EPSRC First Grant SPEED (EP/P026575/1) .
I was an Associated Editor for the Journal of Quantum Electronics, IEEE, till January 2019.